1. Introduction

The Board of Swiss4net Holding AG recognizes that environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) issues have a material effect on the performance of the company and its subsidiaries (the “Group” or “Swiss4net”). Our aim is to ensure that such issues are considered at all levels of the Group’s business activities, and in accordance with International and National Codes and Principles. Specifically, Swiss4net aims to achieve this by:

  • Ensuring that our vision and ESG objectives are relevant, understood and communicated and that our employees demonstrate alignment to them.
  • Identifying all material ESG risks in the business activities undertaken by Swiss4net companies and ensuring that the risks are fully considered and managed in a responsible and ethical way.
  • Ensuring that key decisions are only taken after full consideration of all material ESG issues and risks.
  • Setting targets for environmental, social and governance matters which will be reported, monitored, reviewed and disclosed to our stakeholders.
  • Providing appropriate information, instruction and training and ensuring that this policy is communicated to all persons working for Swiss4net companies.
  • Working together with our customers, suppliers and business partners to encourage them to adopt the principles or similar policies resulting in the same outcomes.

2. ESG Specific Commitments


  • Committing to the protection of the environment through continuously reducing the environmental footprint of our business and developing a sustainable supply chain.
  • Encouraging all staff to consider the environmental consequences of their actions and to seek to minimise the impact where reasonably practicable.
  • Continuously monitoring how the evolution (monthly Management-report) of the Swiss4net business practices could impact the environment and how the environmental impact of new business practices can be mitigated.


  • Recognising that open access fibre networks contribute positively to reduce the overall digital divide and thus increase social cohesion over a territory.
  • Encouraging a culture of diversity with the highest ethical standards, respect human rights, promote gender equality and act against incidents and grievances in a systematic manner.
  • Supporting a culture in which all employees are valued and respected.
  • Promoting the Group's commitment to the wider society and community development. Swiss4net Holding AG ESG POLICY Untermüli 11 Issue 3, December 2020 6302 Zug
  • Continuously monitoring how the evolution (monthly Management-report) of the Swiss4net business practices could impact social matters and how new business practices can be carried out in a socially acceptable way.


  • Ensuring compliance with regulations and guiding principles governing the protection of human rights, operational and occupational health and safety, environmental and business practices in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
  • Identifying the relevant legislative and regulatory requirements and ensuring that fibre networks are compliant with these requirements, and where practicable meeting them in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Adopting the highest standards of governance and ethics of business conduct and practice.
  • Continuously monitoring how the evolution (monthly Management-report) of the Swiss4net business practices could impact existing governance rules and how governance rules need to be changed in order to accommodate new business practices.

3. Other ESG Matters

Reporting, Disclosure and Communications
Environmental, Social and Governance risks and opportunities are addressed monthly at board meetings. Swiss4net monitors and reports key ESG metrics on a monthly basis. These metrics include energy consumption, the % of energy sourced from renewable sources, injuries and fatalities, water and waste consumption, grievances from stakeholders, fraud attempts, and any other board-level or operational issues. Serious incidents, injuries and fatalities are reported to board members as soon as they occur and become known. Swiss4net also reports annually on the top 5 risks to the business and any actions taken or required to mitigate these risks. The Swiss4net board devise an annual stakeholder engagement strategy for the year ahead which identifies key opportunities and methods of communication with stakeholders.

Annual ESG training is completed by those within the organisation who are responsible and have oversight of ESG matters as part of their role.

Scope and Application
Direction and oversight of the Environmental, Social and Governance Policy is the responsibility of the Board of Directors which has delegated day-to-day management responsibility to the Managing Director of the Swiss4net Group.

This Policy applies to all Swiss4net companies.

This Policy will be reviewed annually.